Saturday 15 November 2008

They sing the same song

1st, 2nd and 3rd !!!
No, this is not any competition ruled by any organization or any institution, not any usual one you can say also actually. But this competition is among the nations, among the races, among the religions and overall among us, the people of this wonderful world. We are now devided in these three categories. They tell us the inhabitant of the 3rd world where I am a silly representative to say something about us.
We are poor or deverloping countries according to them. We are starving, we are schreaming for help, we are depending on their decision and we are now submerging ourselves in the sea of unpayable debth. But why? Why our situation is like that? Why some imperialist evil axis has spreaded their wings of imperialism over us? History teaches us, everytime one of them becomes the pioneer and then fall and again next one comes and gets the same result once. This is for nothing but for their haugtyness. But this fall and raise continues only among themselves and we are just the spectator and witness of this game. They are who we call 'Western' and we are the so called third world's inhabitant.

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