Saturday 15 November 2008

They sing the same song

1st, 2nd and 3rd !!!
No, this is not any competition ruled by any organization or any institution, not any usual one you can say also actually. But this competition is among the nations, among the races, among the religions and overall among us, the people of this wonderful world. We are now devided in these three categories. They tell us the inhabitant of the 3rd world where I am a silly representative to say something about us.
We are poor or deverloping countries according to them. We are starving, we are schreaming for help, we are depending on their decision and we are now submerging ourselves in the sea of unpayable debth. But why? Why our situation is like that? Why some imperialist evil axis has spreaded their wings of imperialism over us? History teaches us, everytime one of them becomes the pioneer and then fall and again next one comes and gets the same result once. This is for nothing but for their haugtyness. But this fall and raise continues only among themselves and we are just the spectator and witness of this game. They are who we call 'Western' and we are the so called third world's inhabitant.

Saturday 1 November 2008

Make "Rupgonj" a Tourist Spot

Bangladesh has many facets as a land of tourism. There are so
many tourist attractions here such as archeological sites, historic sacred places and monuments, resorts, beaches, picnic spots, forests and wild life.

Amongst these attractions some are very near to the capital of Dhaka. Such a very attractive place is Rupgonj in Narayanganj which is full of panaromic beauties. There are historical place like "Murapara Jomidar Bari', some picnic spots like "Ponds Garden" and "Jindah Park", , Jamdani Palli at Tarabo, some famous jute industries, the beautiful sites of the River Shitallaxma and a bridge on the river named "Kanchan Bridge" and some famous public places like Hats or Bazars.

A brief description of Rupganj :

Rupganj Upazila (narayanganj district) with an area of 247.97 sq km, is bounded by kaliganj (Gazipur) and gazipur sadar upazilas on the north, sonargaon upazila on the south, araihazar, narsingdi sadar and palash upazilas on the east and demra, badda and uttara thanas and gazipur sadar upazila on the west. Main river is shitalakhya.
Rupganj (Town) consists of 9 mouzas. The area of the town is 9.03 sq km. It has a population of 22749; male 53.66%, female 46.34%. The density of population is 2519 per sq km. The literacy rate among the town people is 41.5%. The town has one dakbungalow.


Rupganj thana was turned into an upazila in 1983. It consists of 11 union parishads, 199 mouzas, 376 villages.

Archaeological heritage and relics

Residence of Murarpara Zamindar.


375935; male 53%, female 47%. Muslim 87.3%, Hindu 8.79%, Christian 3.64%, Buddhist 0.08% and others 0.19%.

Religious institutions

Mosque 327, temple 11, tomb 5, prayer place 2. Bandar Shahi Mosque (1481), Baba Saleh Mosque and tomb (1504) are notable.

Literacy rate and institutions

Average literacy 25.23%; male 44.9%, female 30.8%.

Educational institutions:

college 4, government primary school 82, non-government primary school 29, high school 29, madrasa 29. Murapara Degree College, Kanchan-Bharat High School are the important.

Cultural organisations

Club 20, cinema hall 6, women's organasation 1.

Main occupations

Agriculture 25.23%, Agricultural labourer 10.72%, wage labourer 3.26%, handloom 6.31%, industries 2.85%, commerce 15.06%, transport 3.26%, service 18.73%, fishing 1.19%, others 13.39%.

Land control

Among the peasants 36% are landless, 26% marginal, 26% small and 12% rich.

Value of land Market

value of land of first grade is Tk.10000 per 0.01 hectare

Main crops

Paddy, jute, wheat, sugarcane and mustard seed.
Extinct or nearly extinct crops Kaun, barley, dhunda and china.

Main fruits

Mango, jackfruit, litchi, banana, papaya, black berry and guava.

Dairy and poultry farm

Dairy 125, poultry 197.

Communication facilities

Roads: pucca 60 km, semi pucca 16 km, mud road 620 km; railways 6 km.

Traditional transport

Palanquin, animal driven carts and mafa (bamboo palanquin). These means of transport are either extinct or nearly extinct.


Jute mill 12, cotton yarn mill 7, paper mill 2, garments factory 1.

Cottage industries

Weaving, specially jamdani.

Hats, bazars and fairs

Hats and bazars are 28, fair 2, most noted of which are Kanchan Hat, Golakandhail Hat and Murapara Hat.

NGOs activities

brac, caritas, grameen bank, asa, Socio-Economic Development Society.

Health centres

Upazila health complex 1, family planning centre 3.